Is he ok? Hi SJ Hedgehogs do not typically come out to feed during the day, this usually indicates they are very hungryor thirsty, driven to feed outside their norml active hours. If it's eating, drinking and pooing OK it probably just needs more food made available at night. If it's small, make sure the food you're using has enough protein and the nutrition suitable for a growing hedgehog.
Does it alsohave access to roam beyond your garden? Heddgehogs forgae widely up to 2 miles a night this way they can seek out all the food and mixed nutrition they need. We'd suggest you keep a close eye on it, have you got a camera trap to see if its active at night? Can it roam? Has it got enough, and the right food? If it continues to appear during daytime for more than a few days you should contact your local hedgehog carer for specific advise. Hi, I sometimes put out oats and bread scraps for the birds and have noticed hedgehogs eating the leftovers of both.
Are either of these harmful? Hi Dave As you rightly note hedgehogs will tuck in to any left over scraps left out for the birds, they really are opportunist feeders! Bread and oats do not make up a part of a hedgehogs natural diet but a few equally won't do the any harm.
A problem can occur however if hedgehogs feed to much on bird food scraps, along with bread etc. You can read our article on metabolic bone disease for details but simply speaking to much of the wrong food ie bird food, can result in bone defects and even death.
You can help avoid such an event by either putting out some good quality hedgehog food or meaty dog food which will tempt them away from the bird food and give them the protein and calcium they need. Otherwise you might consider only putting out oats and bread for the birds during the day while the hedgehogs are sleeping. Your email address will not be published.
By clicking subscribe you agree to receive free emails from Ark Wildlife. You can amend your preferences or unsubscribe at any time. Search Search. Tags: Hedgehogs How To's Mammals. Related Products Dried Calcium Worms.
Related Product Categories Hedgehog Food. Paul Ravenscroft says:. Ark Wildlife says:. Simon says:. Paul Finn says:. Maggie says:. Gary says:. Alex says:. Nicola says:. Some apple three or four days a week is plenty for them. Strawberries are another fruit that hedgehogs can eat. The same thing goes for strawberries when it comes to sugar. Hedgehogs can eat bananas as well.
They are tasty, soft, and easy to break into bite-sized pieces! Cooked carrots are great food for hedgehogs. If your hedgehog enjoys it we highly recommend adding it to their diet a few days a week. Grapes are toxic to hedgehogs and can cause liver, renal, and organ failure if consumed even in small amounts.
Keep grapes away from your hedgie! For the most part no, hedgehogs cannot eat cheese. However, some hedgehogs have been said to like cottage cheese in very small amounts. Watermelon is another food that hedgehogs enjoy eating and they look darn cute doing it. It can be very easy to give them too much sugar with this one, so keep the amount in moderation and served three to four days per week. You bet! Hedgehogs can eat pineapple as long as you stick the rules of moderation we listed above.
We recommend keeping this list somewhere you can easily access it for reference and help you avoid any confusion. Cooked vegetables are great foods your hedgehog can eat to get a little variety in their diet. Skins can be a choking hazard! Hedgehogs enjoy some meat from time to time, and the ones listed below are great options.
They are low in fat and high in protein which is perfect for a hedgie. The same thing goes for wild insects as well. Feed insects are much higher in fat than the insects your hedgie would naturally be snacking on in the wild.
This means if you want to give your hedgehog an insect or two as a snack, make it a very occasional snack. Give garden wildlife food and shelter with our ready-made habitats and feeders. What do hedgehogs eat? And how to feed them. What to feed hedgehogs As opportunistic eaters, hedgehogs will readily consume food left out in your garden. The best foods to provide are: Meat-based cat or dog food Specially-made hedgehog food Cat biscuits As well as providing food, you can put out a shallow dish of water to ensure any visiting hogs stay hydrated.
When to feed hedgehogs You can start feeding hedgehogs as soon as they emerge from hibernation in spring. Blog When do hedgehogs hibernate?
What not to feed hedgehogs The following foods should be avoided when feeding hedgehogs: Bread and milk hogs are lactose intolerant so milk can make them ill. Bread has little nutritional value Mealworms thought to cause health problems when eaten in large quantities.
How else can you help hedgehogs? Pinkies can be fed once or twice a month as a special treat. For more information on how to pick a kibble brand and what insects are the best, head over to our Hedgehog Diet Guide. Hedgehogs love the occasional treat! You can feed them a special treat once or twice a week. Be sure to soak greasy meat like hamburger in water before feeding and never use oil or butter while cooking for your pet.
Here are some healthy and hedgie approved treat ideas:. Hedgehogs are nocturnal which means once in the early evening and once in the morning feeding times are optimal.
Hedgehogs are very flexible about feeding times and will easily adjust to a new schedule, but be sure to try to feed around the same time each day. Some people feed twice a day, morning and night, others feed once a day.
When hedgehog owners first notice the bald patch on the top of a hedgehog's head the first reaction tends to be one of concern, but there's no need to worry!
Your hedgehog is not going bald, this Hedgehogs are notorious for creating insanely messy wheels during their nightly marathons. This can vary slightly from hog to hog, my current hedgehog will poop anywhere and everywhere in the cage How much water should hedgehogs drink? Please follow and like us:.