Those dramatically "black" ships were black because they had to be treated with pitch almost daily to keep them more or less waterproof. Little more than fragile foot war canoes, they were light enough to be handily hauled out on any beach.
They swamped easily in heavy seas and carried a scrap of square-rigged sail, good only to run before the wind; going to windward at all required 20 oarsmen. This pretty much entailed coastwise sailing or island-hopping, near enough to land to run up on a beach in storm weather, to spend the night, or even go ashore for lunch. Some are backwaters with no electricity or potable water. The Mediterranean is always beautiful, however, and many coasts the Roths sailed were lonely and lovely.
Finally, goddess Athena felt sorry for him and begged her father, Zeus , to help him. Zeus sent Hermes the messenger god to Calypso and ordered her to let Odysseus go. After ten years of hardship , Odysseus finally arrives to Ithaca. Once there, the goddess Athena approached him and informed him that his palace was filled with many suitors who wished to marry his wife, Penelope.
Only she was waiting patiently for him to return. Odysseus then entered his palace, seeing all the suitors eating and drinking. Meanwhile, Athena put it in Penelope's mind to bring the bow of Odysseus , his arrows and twelve axes, which had a hole at the top. Whoever manages to bend the string of this bow and throw an arrow, which will pass through the holes of the twelve axes, he will become my husband".
Eager, all the suitors, one after the other, began to try, but no one was able to stretch the string. Odysseus then asked to be tested as well. He grabbed the bow, bent the string and threw an arrow, which passed like lightning through the holes of all the axes.
The moment Penelope realizes the winner is in fact her long-lost husband is undoubtedly one of the best part of the Odyssey. Odysseus , the King of Ithaca, is known for his unparalleled wit that helped end the long Trojan War , and his bravery that got him through all the trials he had to face. Odysseus was the hero that many writers were inspired by.
He was a model of perseverance, courage and intelligence. Fairly, the Odyssey is considered the best work of fiction of all time. Odysseus remained fearless throughout his journey as his love of returning home to his beloved wife and son kept him focused on his goal.
During the trip, the difficulties he faced were enormous. He made superhuman efforts and eventually succeeded. All people are endowed with the virtue of perseverance , patience and bravery. It is enough for people to know themselves and to use their virtues wisely. In the case of Odysseus , there were many moments when his knees bent from fear and despair.
The courage to continue one's struggle is given to those who have the willpower. Burgess, Ph. All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. To order this book direct from the publisher, visit the Penguin USA website or call You can also purchase this book at Amazon. Sea Monsters! Hi, Honey, I'm Home! Mythed by a Mile Some storytellers insist that Odysseus won the right to marry Penelope through an athletic contest a foot race.
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Calypso frees Odysseus. The Laistrygones destroy 11 ships. Poseidon destroys Odysseus' raft. Circe turns the crew into swine. Odysseus lands on Scheria and meets Nausicaa. Odysseus vists Teiresias in the Underworld.