However, if there is only one gym five minutes from your house, the clause is non-restrictive, and you would use which.
Note: Closed-captioning and a full transcript are available for this vidcast. General Writing Grammar. That vs. Which One of the more challenging grammar concepts in the English language is the difference between the words that and which. Using That Whether to use that and which depends on whether the clause it introduces is restrictive or non-restrictive.
Example 2: Laptops [noun] that are used for gaming purposes [restrictive clause] are usually more expensive. Example 3: The chair [noun] in my kitchen that has a broken leg [restrictive clause] is dangerous to sit on.
Example 3: The human heart [noun] , which contains four valves [non-restrictive clause] , weighs approximately eleven ounces.
Laptops that are used for gaming purposes are usually more expensive. Laptops , which are used for gaming purposes , are usually more expensive. The chair in my kitchen that has a broken leg is dangerous to sit on.
The chair in my kitchen, which has a broken leg , is dangerous to sit on. He really meant and with that and no comma corrected to say: Of all x such that x is at the same time a member of the deer family and lives in North America, … , moose and wapiti are the largest. BTW, that brings up another issue. That vs. Which By Ali Hale. Stop making those embarrassing mistakes!
Subscribe to Daily Writing Tips today! You will improve your English in only 5 minutes per day, guaranteed! You'll also get three bonus ebooks completely free! Try It Free Now. I learned a thing or two on this post. Nancy on April 10, pm I have been following your posts on grammar. Ali on April 10, pm Whoops … thanks, Marketeer!
Ali marketeer on April 10, pm Ali, I have also struggled with it. PreciseEdit on April 10, pm Restrictive vs. You can simple replace whom with who in most of the places. Thanks to Ali for the great article. Keep them coming. Is that a good explanation? Tarah Sweeney on April 11, am Sudheer and Danica: Please do not think this usage is in decline.
Ali on April 11, pm Danica: Interesting point. Thanks for the comments, all of you. Danica on April 12, am Thank you all for the explanations. Segun Omojola on April 15, pm hi, i was interested in improving my writing skills so i decided to see what the web could offer me and i stumbled on this site.
Fixed now. Kat on July 30, pm Thanks for the explanation. Michael on September 29, pm Kat: Sorry for not giving a more normal example. Michael on September 27, pm Jean: I looked at the source code for this page. Peyton Todd on October 19, pm Actually, your that vs. Jenefer on December 13, pm Wow this article was fantastic! Very well written! Ashley on January 02, pm Thank you for this very clear explanation! EnglishMidterm on January 23, pm Thank you so much!
Thanks a lot. Vic on February 07, pm Go on a which hunt. Keep up the good work. Michael on March 10, am venqax: The largest of my DEAR family are the ones who eat the least like me, which is another of way of saying that the smallest members of my family are the ones who eat the least. Or as a logician would say and formal logic is often used to clarify structural issues in semantics : He really meant and with that and no comma corrected to say: Of all x such that x is at the same time a member of the deer family and lives in North America, … , moose and wapiti are the largest.
Newer Comments ». Leave a comment: Cancel comment Name required :. Email address required :. Website URL :. He went to the florist shop that sells my favorite flowers. The class that I really dread is math.
Which vs. That Quiz Practice Questions Take a quick which vs. That Printable Quiz If you want to use the quiz in a classroom setting or to take it without the temptation of looking at the answers, you can print the which vs. Answers to Which vs. That Quiz Practice Questions Check out the answers to the quiz and read the explanations to better understand why which or that is correct. She showed the leg that was injured. The shirt was my favorite color, which is blue.
Knowing the color of the shirt is extra information. The book that covers soil erosion is boring. The magazine I read at lunch, which had pictures of goats, reminded me to grab goat cheese. Knowing the specific part of the magazine that served as a reminder is extra information. A map would have made it easier to get to the city, which was far away. The distance of the city is extra information.