Energy which makes vision possible

The rods and cones convert the light into electrical impulses which are transmitted to the brain via nerve fibers. The brain then determines, which nerve fibers carried the electrical impulse activate by light at certain photoreceptors, and then creates an image.

The retina is lined with many millions of photoreceptor cells that consist of two types: 7 million cones provide color information and sharpness of images, and million rods are extremely sensitive detectors of white light to provide night vision. The tops of the rods and cones contain a region filled with membrane-bound discs, which contain the molecule cis-retinal bound to a protein called opsin.

The resulting complex is called rhodopsin or "visual purple". In human eyes, rod and cones react to light stimulation, and a series of chemical reactions happen in cells.

These cells receive light, and pass on signals to other receiver cells. This chain of process is class signal transduction pathway. Signal transduction pathway is a mechanism that describe the ways cells react and response to stimulation. Introduction Light is one of the most important resources for civilization, it provides energy as it pass along by the sun.

Mechanism of Vision The molecule cis-retinal can absorb light at a specific wavelength. In abnormal ophthalmic conditions such as phorias misalignments of the eyes, including strabismus better known as crossed-eyes , stereovision is disrupted as are the individual's bearings and depth perception.

In cases where ophthalmic surgery is not warranted, prismatic lenses mounted in spectacles can correct some of these anomalies. Causes of interruption to the binocular fusion may be head or birth trauma, neuromuscular disease, or congenital defects. The central fovea is located in an area near the center of the retina, and positioned directly along the optical axis of each eye. Known also as the "yellow spot", the fovea is small less than 1 square millimeter , but very specialized.

These areas contain exclusively high-density, tightly packed cone cells greater than , cones per square millimeter in adult humans; see Figure 4. The central fovea is the area of sharpest vision, and produces the maximum resolution of space spatial resolution , contrast, and color.

Each eye is populated with approximately seven million cone cells, which are very thin 3 micrometers in diameter and elongated. The density of cone cells decreases outside of the fovea as the ratio of rod cells to cone cells gradually increases Figure 4.

At the periphery of the retina, the total number of both types of light receptors decreases substantially, causing a dramatic loss of visual sensitivity at the retinal borders. This is offset by the fact that humans constantly scan objects in the field of view due to involuntary rapid eye movements , resulting in a perceived image that is uniformly sharp. In fact, when the image is prevented from moving relative to the retina via an optical fixation device , the eye no longer senses an image after a few seconds.

The arrangement of sensory receptors in the outer segments of the retina partially determine the limit of resolution in different regions of the eye. In order to resolve an image, a row of less-stimulated photoreceptors must be interposed between two rows of photoreceptors that are highly stimulated. Otherwise, it is impossible to distinguish whether the stimulation originated from two closely spaced images or from a single image that spans the two receptor rows.

With a center-to-center spacing ranging between 1. For reference, the radius of the first minimum for a diffraction pattern formed on the retina is about 4. Thus, the arrangement of sensory elements in the retina will determine the limiting resolution of the eye. Another factor, termed visual acuity the ability of the eye to detect small objects and resolve their separation , varies with many parameters, including the definition of the term and the method by which acuity is measured.

Over the retina, visual acuity is generally highest in the central fovea, which spans a visual field of about 1. The spatial arrangement of rod and cone cells and their connection to neurons within the retina is presented in Figure 5.

Rod cells, containing only the photopigment rhodopsin , have a peak sensitivity to blue-green light wavelength of about nanometers , although they display a broad range of response throughout the visible spectrum. They are the most common visual receptor cells, with each eye containing about million rod cells. The light sensitivity of rod cells is about 1, times that of cone cells.

However, the images generated by rod stimulation alone are relatively unsharp and confined to shades of gray, similar to those found in a black and white soft-focus photographic image. Rod vision is commonly referred to as scotopic or twilight vision because in low light conditions, shapes and the relative brightness of objects can be distinguished, but not their colors. This mechanism of dark adaptation enables the detection of potential prey and predators via shape and motion in a wide spectrum of vertebrates.

The human visual system response is logarithmic, not linear, resulting in the ability to perceive an incredible brightness range interscene dynamic range of over 10 decades. In broad daylight, humans can visualize objects in the glaring light from the sun, while at night large objects can be detected by starlight when the moon is dark. At threshold sensitivity, the human eye can detect the presence of about photons of blue-green light nanometers entering the pupil.

For the upper seven decades of brightness, photopic vision predominates, and it is the retinal cones that are primarily responsible for photoreception. In contrast, the lower four decades of brightness, termed scotopic vision, are controlled by the rod cells. Adaptation of the eye enables vision to function under such extremes of brightness. However, during the interval of time before adaptation occurs, individuals can sense a range of brightness covering only about three decades.

Several mechanisms are responsible for the ability of the eye to adapt to a high range of brightness levels. Adaptation can occur in seconds by initial pupillary reaction or may take several minutes for dark adaptation , depending upon the level of brightness change.

Full cone sensitivity is reached in about 5 minutes, whereas it requires about 30 minutes to adapt from moderate photopic sensitivity to the full scoptic sensitivity produced by the rod cells. When fully light-adapted, the human eye features a wavelength response from around to nanometers, with a peak sensitivity at nanometers in the green region of the visible light spectrum.

The dark-adapted eye responds to a lower range of wavelengths between and nanometers, with the peak occurring at nanometers. For both photopic and scoptic vision, these wavelengths are not absolute, but vary with the intensity of light.

The transmission of light through the eye becomes progressively lower at shorter wavelengths. In the blue-green region nanometers , only about 50 percent of light entering the eye reaches the image point on the retina.

At nanometers, this value is reduced to a scant 10 percent, even in a young eye. Light scattering and absorption by elements in the crystalline lens contributes to a further loss of sensitivity in the far blue. Cones consist of three cell types, each "tuned" to a distinct wavelength response maximum centered at either , , or nanometers. The basis for the individual maxima is the utilization of three different photopigments, each with a characteristic visible light absorption spectrum.

The photopigments alter their conformation when a photon is detected, enabling them to react with transducin to initiate a cascade of visual events. Transducin is a protein that resides in the retina and is able to effectively convert light energy into an electrical signal. The population of cone cells is much smaller than rod cells, with each eye containing between 5 and 7 million of these color receptors.

True color vision is induced by the stimulation of cone cells. The relative intensity and wavelength distribution of light impacting on each of the three cone receptor types determines the color that is imaged as a mosaic , in a manner comparable to an additive RGB video monitor or CCD color camera.

A beam of light that contains mostly short-wavelength blue radiation stimulates the cone cells that respond to nanometer light to a far greater extent than the other two cone types. This beam will activate the blue color pigment in specific cones, and that light is perceived as blue. Light with a majority of wavelengths centered around nanometers is seen as green, and a beam containing mostly nanometer wavelengths or longer is visualized as red.

As mentioned above, pure cone vision is referred to as photopic vision and is dominant at normal light levels, both indoors and out. Most mammals are dichromats , usually able to only distinguish between bluish and greenish color components. In contrast, some primates most notably humans exhibit trichromatic color vision, with significant response to red, green and blue light stimuli.

Illustrated in Figure 6 are the absorption spectra of the four human visual pigments, which display maxima in the expected red, green, and blue regions of the visible light spectrum.

When all three types of cone cell are stimulated equally, the light is perceived as being achromatic or white.

For example, noon sunlight appears as white light to humans, because it contains approximately equal amounts of red, green, and blue light. An excellent demonstration of the color spectrum from sunlight is the interception of the light by a glass prism, which refracts or bends different wavelengths to varying degrees, spreading out the light into its component colors.

Human color perception is dependent upon the interaction of all receptor cells with light, and this combination results in nearly trichromic stimulation.

There are shifts in color sensitivity with variations in light levels, so that blue colors look relatively brighter in dim light and red colors look brighter in bright light. This effect can be observed by pointing a flashlight onto a color print, which will result in the reds suddenly appearing much brighter and more saturated. In recent years, consideration of human color visual sensitivity has led to changes in the long-standing practice of painting emergency vehicles, such as fire trucks and ambulances, entirely red.

Although the color is intended for the vehicles to be easily seen and responded to, the wavelength distribution is not highly visible at low light levels and appears nearly black at night.

The human eye is much more sensitive to yellow-green or similar hues, particularly at night, and now most new emergency vehicles are at least partially painted a vivid yellowish green or white, often retaining some red highlights in the interest of tradition.

The eyes receive the light and contain the molecules that undergo a chemical change upon absorbing light, but it is the brain that actually makes sense of the visual information to create an image. Hence, the visual process requires the intricate coordination of the eyes and the brain. How do these organs work together in order to allow us to see the light-reflecting objects around us as a visual image?

The eyes behave similarly, in some respects, to a camera. Light enters the pupil, is focused by the lens, and strikes a light-sensitive detector called the retina located along the inner surface of the back of the eye Figure 1. This is a schematic drawing of the human eye. Light enters the front of the eye through the pupil and is focused by the lens onto the retina.

Rod cells on the retina respond to the light and send a message through the optic nerve fiber to the brain. The light is mapped as an image along the surface of the retina by activating a series of light-sensitive cells known as rods and cones.

These photoreceptor cells convert the light into electrical impulses which are transmitted to the brain via nerve fibers. For an image to be recognized, many photoreceptor cells will be activated and the visual information will be transported to the brain via numerous nerve fibers.

The brain then determines, according to which nerve fibers carried the electrical impulse, which photoreceptors were activated by the light, and then creates a picture Figure 2. This figure shows how the brain uses mapping to make sense of visual information from the eye. The green numbers in the figure correspond to the following steps:.

As explained above, the vision process is initiated when photoreceptor cells are activated by light from an image. Hence, our discussion of the vision process shall focus on the photoreceptor cells, and how these cells are activated to generate a nerve impulse to the brain. The retina is lined with many millions of photoreceptor cells that consist of two types: 7 million cones provide color information and sharpness of images, and million rods Figure 3 are extremely sensitive detectors of white light to provide night vision.

The names of these cells come from their respective shapes. The outer segments tops of the rods and cones contain a region filled with membrane-bound discs, which contain proteins bound to the chromophore cis -retinal. A chromophore is a molecule that can absorb light at a specific wavelength, and thus typically displays a characteristic color. When visible light hits the chromophore, the chromophore undergoes an isomerization , or change in molecular arrangement, to all- trans -retinal see below for a fuller description of this isomerization.

The new form of retinal does not fit as well into the protein, and so a series of conformational changes in the protein begins.

This potential difference is passed along to an adjoining nerve cell as an electrical impulse at the synaptic terminal , the place where these two cells meet. The nerve cell carries this impulse to the brain, where the visual information is interpreted.

This is a schematic diagram of a rod cell. The stacked disks contain rhodopsin, the complex of opsin protein and cis -retinal.

At the synaptic body, the potential difference generated as the ultimate result of the retinal isomerization is passed along to a connecting nerve cell, creating an electrical impulse that will be transmitted to the brain and interpreted as visual information. This is a flowchart outlining the major steps in the vision signal transduction cascade which occurs between the isomerization of retinal which leads to the formation of metarhodopsin II, the first reactant in the process outlined in this figure and the interpretation of a visual image by the brain.

The steps in this cascade are discussed in the section entitled " Signal Transduction Cascade to Generate a Nerve Impulse ", below. The sequence of events to generate a signal to the brain for monochrome vision which occurs in the rod cells and for color vision which occurs in the cone cells is essentially the same, although monochrome vision is somewhat simpler. Hence, we shall first describe how a monochromatic visual nerve impulse is generated, and then show how color vision differs.

The process of generating a monochromatic visual signal can be broken down into three important steps: the isomerization of retinal, the protein conformational changes following retinal isomerization, and the signal transduction cascade to generate a nerve impulse. The first step in the monochrome vision process, after light hits the rod cell, is for the chromophore cis -retinal to isomerize to all- trans -retinal.

This event is best understood in terms of molecular orbitals, orbital energy, and electron excitation. You may find it helpful to review these important concepts in the introduction to the Experiment in your lab manual, or in your chemistry textbook. In the Experiment, you learned that when an atom or molecule absorbs a photon, its electrons can move to higher-energy orbitals, and the atom or molecule makes a transition to a higher-energy state.

This excitation "breaks" the p component of the double bond, thus allowing free rotation about the bond between carbon atom 11 and carbon atom 12 see Figure 5. Thus, when cis -retinal absorbs a photon in the visible range of the spectrum, free rotation about the bond between carbon atom 11 and carbon atom 12 can occur and the all- trans -retinal can form.

This isomerization occurs in a few picoseconds 10 s or less. Energy from light is crucial for this isomerization process: absorption of a photon leads to isomerization about half the time; in contrast, spontaneous isomerization in the dark occurs only once in years! The molecule resulting from the isomerization is called all- trans -retinal. In the cis configuration, both of the attached hydrogens are on the same side of the double bond; in the trans configuration, the hydrogens are on opposite sides of the double bond.

As you can see by the CPK representation in Figure 5, the cis-trans isomerization causes the conjugated carbon chain alternating double and single bonds to become straightened, and increases the distance between the -CH 3 group attached to carbon 5 and the oxygen at the end of the chain.

Upon absorption of a photon in the visible range, cis -retinal can isomerize to all- trans -retinal. In the cis isomer, the hydrogens red in the 2-D ChemDraw representation are on the same side of the double bond red in the 2-D ChemDraw representation between carbon atom 11 and carbon atom In the all- trans isomer, the hydrogens are on opposite sides of the double bond.

In fact, all of the double bonds are in the trans- configuration in this isomer: the hydrogens, or hydrogen and -CH 3 , are always on opposite sides of the double bonds hence, the name "all- trans -retinal". Note how the size and shape of the molecule change as a result of this isomerization. Presbyopia is a deficit similar to a different type of farsightedness called hyperopia caused by an eyeball that is too short. For both defects, images in the distance are clear but images nearby are blurry.

Myopia nearsightedness occurs when an eyeball is elongated and the image focus falls in front of the retina. In this case, images in the distance are blurry but images nearby are clear. There are two types of photoreceptors in the retina: rods and cones , named for their general appearance as illustrated in Figure Rods are strongly photosensitive and are located in the outer edges of the retina.

They detect dim light and are used primarily for peripheral and nighttime vision. Cones are weakly photosensitive and are located near the center of the retina. They respond to bright light, and their primary role is in daytime, color vision. The fovea is the region in the center back of the eye that is responsible for acute vision.

The fovea has a high density of cones. However, when looking at a star in the night sky or other object in dim light, the object can be better viewed by the peripheral vision because it is the rods at the edges of the retina, rather than the cones at the center, that operate better in low light. In humans, cones far outnumber rods in the fovea.

Review the anatomical structure of the eye, clicking on each part to practice identification. The rods and cones are the site of transduction of light to a neural signal. Both rods and cones contain photopigments. In vertebrates, the main photopigment, rhodopsin , has two main parts Figure When light hits a photoreceptor, it causes a shape change in the retinal, altering its structure from a bent cis form of the molecule to its linear trans isomer.

Thus, unlike most other sensory neurons which become depolarized by exposure to a stimulus visual receptors become hyperpolarized and thus driven away from threshold Figure There are three types of cones with different photopsins , and they differ in the wavelength to which they are most responsive, as shown in Figure With only one type of cone, color vision would not be possible, and a two-cone dichromatic system has limitations.

Primates use a three-cone trichromatic system, resulting in full color vision. The color we perceive is a result of the ratio of activity of our three types of cones. The colors of the visual spectrum, running from long-wavelength light to short, are red nm , orange nm , yellow nm , green nm , blue nm , indigo nm , and violet nm.

Humans have very sensitive perception of color and can distinguish about levels of brightness, different hues, and 20 steps of saturation, or about 2 million distinct colors. Visual signals leave the cones and rods, travel to the bipolar cells, and then to ganglion cells. A large degree of processing of visual information occurs in the retina itself, before visual information is sent to the brain.

Photoreceptors in the retina continuously undergo tonic activity. That is, they are always slightly active even when not stimulated by light.

In neurons that exhibit tonic activity, the absence of stimuli maintains a firing rate at a baseline; while some stimuli increase firing rate from the baseline, and other stimuli decrease firing rate. In the absence of light, the bipolar neurons that connect rods and cones to ganglion cells are continuously and actively inhibited by the rods and cones. Exposure of the retina to light hyperpolarizes the rods and cones and removes their inhibition of bipolar cells.

The now active bipolar cells in turn stimulate the ganglion cells, which send action potentials along their axons which leave the eye as the optic nerve. Thus, the visual system relies on change in retinal activity, rather than the absence or presence of activity, to encode visual signals for the brain. Sometimes horizontal cells carry signals from one rod or cone to other photoreceptors and to several bipolar cells.


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