However, most of the available evidence comes from animal studies, so more research in humans is necessary. However, a systematic review found inadequate evidence from human studies to support a link between dietary acrylamide and cancer. The authors concluded that further research is necessary.
Acrylamide forms during the roasting process of coffee. Any type of coffee product that derives from roasted coffee beans will contain acrylamide, including instant coffee. Coffee substitutes, such as cereal and chicory root coffees, that have undergone roasting also contain acrylamide. However, the amount of acrylamide in these different types of coffee can vary.
We will discuss these variations in more detail in the following section. The amount of acrylamide in coffee varies, but this depends on roasting time rather than bean variety.
A study investigated the amount of acrylamide in 42 different types of coffee, including some instant coffees and coffee substitutes. They also reported that there was no significant difference in acrylamide content between different types of coffee bean. Although coffee contains small quantities of acrylamide, research suggests that drinking coffee may actually protect against certain types of cancer, as well as provide other health benefits. For example, the author of a review acknowledged that coffee contains potentially harmful chemicals such as acrylamide, but they did not find a link between drinking coffee and an increased risk of cancer.
Also, a study paper reviewed a large number meta-analyses on the health effects of coffee consumption. They also found an association between drinking coffee and a lower risk of certain cancers, including:.
The scientists found that people who drank three or four cups of coffee per day benefited most. All types of coffee containing roasted beans contain some acrylamide. Coffee substitutes, such as cereal and chicory root coffees, also contain acrylamide if they have undergone a roasting process. The only type of coffee that does not contain acrylamide is that which contains unroasted, or green, coffee beans.
However, these coffees can taste very different to roasted varieties. Correa, and C. View at: Google Scholar T. Laffargue, F. Descroix et al. Guyot, D. Gueule, J. Manez, J. Perriot, J. Giron, and L. View at: Google Scholar B. Bertrand, P. Vaast, E. Alpizar, H. Etienne, F. Davrieux, and P. Silva, L. Batista, L. Abreu, E.
Dias, and R. Batista, and R. Pereira, V. Soccol, A. Pandey et al. Ribeiro, L. Assis, J. Malta, and F. View at: Google Scholar S. Evangelista, M. Silva, A. Marques Pinheiro, and R. Masoud and L. De Bruyn, S. Zhang, V.
Pothakos et al. Gonzalez-Rios, M. Suarez-Quiroz, R. Boulanger et al. Prezotti, J. Gomes, G. Dadalto, and J. Pereira, R.
Pulini et al. View at: Google Scholar R. Evangelista, C. Silva, M. Miguel et al. Pereira, E. Neto, V. It's true. In fact, on a weighted basis, the average coffee powder is roughly three times as radioactive as bananas! If you feel like you're glowing and abuzz after your morning brew, it may not be due to the caffeine Other foods are radioactive as well. Carrots, white potatoes, red meat, and lima beans all contain roughly the same amount of potassium per kilogram -- and thus radiation -- as bananas.
However, all of these foods pale in comparison to the mighty Brazil nut. Not only does this tasty nut deliver significantly more potassium than bananas, it also contains a surprising amount of radium -- more than times as much as most common foods. Phenylalanines which are formed during the roasting process show high antioxidant activity [ 14 ], as do heterocyclic compounds [ 15 ]. Many publications explore the relationship between coffee antioxidant activity and roasting, for example:.
Many researchers believe during the roasting process that Maillard reaction products, which are also strong antioxidants, are formed [ 12 , 16 , 17 ].
The antioxidant activity of volatile compounds, such as furans, pyrroles, formed by pyrolysis of coffee, has also been studied [ 14 ].
Interestingly, the compound, such as chlorogenic acid and polyphenols, which contributed to the antioxidant activity in coffee, is geographically related [ 18 ]. The coffee fruit was found to have more chlorogenic acids CGA in Arabica coffee fruit planted in Mexico and India compared to the coffee fruit grew in China. In addition, evidence indicates that extraction procedures could affect the antioxidants contents in coffee fruit as well as the caffeine content [ 19 ].
It has been shown that the antioxidant activity was high in coffee fruit extract with low caffeine concentration in comparison with coffee fruit powder. Apart from coffee, the antioxidant activity after roasting was also measured in wheat, nuts, and some other food products.
The antioxidant activity of green and roasted coffee is compared in several publications [ 20 , 21 , 22 ]. Many methods based on new reagents, model systems and devices were suggested to use for determining the antioxidant activity, and many reviews were published on this subject [ 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 ]. The antioxidant activity AA is measured by various chemical and physicochemical methods.
In the first and second cases, AA is determined based on the degree of inhibition or intake rate for reagents or the products formed. In all of these methods, the AA depends on multiple parameters, including time, temperature, nature of the substance, concentration of the antioxidants and other compounds, etc. The antioxidant activity cannot be measured directly—what is typically measured is the effect of the antioxidants on the degree of oxidation.
All of these methods often give conflicting results. The drawback of many methods used for measuring antioxidant activity is the lack of proper substrates during the measurement process.
All of these terms are related to the antioxidant concentration the activity of substances or substance groups. Obviously, all these methods have drawbacks because they use synthetic free radicals which have nothing in common with free radicals in the human body. The above methods are time-consuming and include several stages; the signals are recorded using expensive devices, such as spectrophotometric, fluorimetric, and chemiluminescent detectors.
Electrochemical methods are more promising for the measurement of integral antioxidant capacity because the reaction between active oxygen compounds in aqueous media is accompanied by electron transfer, i. In [ 29 ] has been proposed to measure antioxidant capacity by using electrogenerated oxidizers: chlorine, bromine, and iodine.
The electrogeneration of halogens during coulometric titration was performed at a constant current of 5. It was demonstrated that the value of bromine-scavenging antioxidant capacity reflects the total content of antioxidants in foods, beverages, and extracts of medicinal plants. It should be noted, however, that bromine and iodine can oxidize not only the antioxidants but also other compounds.
This method was successfully used for the determination of the antioxidant activity of pure chemical compounds as well foods, beverages, dietary supplements, and extracts of medicinal plants. Another electrochemical method proposed is cathodic stripping voltammetry. In this method, oxygen electroreduction is used as a model reaction. In order to determine antioxidants in the tested substances, the dependences of the first oxygen reduction peak current on their concentration in the solution and the duration of the process.
In this method, a mercury film electrode banned in many countries was used as an indicator. Antioxidant activity of many foods and biological samples have been measured by this method. The ORAC, one of the methods most often used for the determination of antioxidant activity, especially in the U.
This method is based on measuring changes in fluorescence intensity vs. Quantitative measurement of the antioxidant activity is carried out by determining the area between two curves which represent reaction with and without the antioxidant. In the early tests, B-phycoerythrin was used as the fluorescent probe, which tended to show slightly lower results because this protein reacted with polyphenols.
That is why it was later suggested to rather use fluorescein, a more stable fluorescent compound. Fluorescence intensity is measured at nm with the excitation wavelength of nm. Changes in the fluorescence intensity are registered every minute over 35 min, both with and without an antioxidant.
Therefore, the total measurement lasts for 70 min. When an antioxidant, or a mixture of antioxidants, are added, fluorescence quenching decreases due to the fact that antioxidants neutralize the effects of free radicals on the fluorescein. In a , Prior, et al. The total antioxidant capacity of whole coffee fruits Arabica and their extracts commercially produced by FutureCeuticals, Inc.
Total ORAC activity coffee fruit sample [ 19 ]. Table 1 shows that the total chlorogenic acid CGA contents correlates to total antioxidant capacity. The coffee extract with the highest chlorogenic acid contents corresponds to the highest total ORAC activity compared with whole coffee fruit powder air dried and freeze dried [ 19 ].
Amperometric method AM is based on measuring an electric current in the detector cell which occurs during oxidation of the analyte on the working electrode surface when certain potentials are applied. Thus, when an amperometric method is used, the changes in the current passing through the cell are registered—these changes directly correlate to the changes in the analyte concentration [ 1 ]. The amperometric method can operate in three modes: at a constant potential, at pulse potentials, and by scanning the potentials in the entire range.
The amount of electric current depends on the nature of the analyte, nature of the working electrode, and the potential applied to the electrode.
These analog signals are amplified, converted into digital signal by an analog-digital converter ADC , and then displayed on a computer screen.
If necessary, the outputs can be printed. The working electrode is a glassy carbon electrode which is most commonly used in the determination of polyphenolic compounds.
Ionization potentials of phenolic compounds vary within — mV. The signal is recorded as differential output curves. Using special software, the areas or peak heights of the differential curves are calculated for the analyte and for the reference substance.
Well-known antioxidants, such as quercetin, dihydroquercetin, mexidol, trolox, gallic acid, etc. The amperometric method has several advantages in the determination of antioxidant activity: not taking into account sample preparation, one determination takes only a few min; analysis data recording and processing takes place in real time; accuracy and reproducibility of the analysis is ensured by accurate dosing with a six-way valve; standard deviation SD of valve dispenses is less than 0.
At such low concentrations, the likelihood of the mutual influence of different jointly present antioxidants, such as by a manifestation of synergy, is significantly reduced. At the same time, high selectivity in determination only of antioxidants compounds capable of inhibiting oxidation is achieved; other compounds present in complex mixtures do not interfere with the determination of the antioxidants. No chemicals other than standards are required for this analysis; therefore, the cost of measurements is very low.
The amperometric method is the only method which allows for direct measurement of all antioxidants in a sample. The amperometric method has been successfully applied to determine the antioxidant capacity of various wines and coffee [ 37 ]. It was noted that this method is direct, accurate, objective, and fast. In one publication, this method was used to determine the antioxidant capacity of olive oil, i.
This method allows for the assessment of quality and authenticity of olive oil. In one study, the antioxidant power of lipophilic compounds present in vegetables, such as carotenoids, chlorophyll, tocopherols and capsaicin, was determined [ 39 ]. The results of the antioxidant activity measurements obtained for five vegetable and two fruit extracts were compared to those obtained by the ABTS. A good correlation between the two methods was found, except for spinach.
The authors conclude that the amperometric method can be successfully used for direct, quick, and reliable monitoring of antioxidant power of lipophilic food extracts. Amperometric electrochemical method is also used to determine the antioxidant status in people.
Intake of these drinks makes a significant contribution to the total amount of antioxidants consumed by people. Green coffee beans contain large amounts of polyphenolic antioxidants, such as chlorogenic, caffeic, ferulic, and n -coumarinic acids. Coffee roasting significantly alters the composition of polyphenols due to Maillard reaction chemical reaction between amino acids and sugars. A cup of coffee which contains 10 g of roasted coffee beans may have 15 to mg of chlorogenic acids. On average in America, one cup contains approximately mg of chlorogenic acid.
Antioxidant activity of ferulic and caffeic acids was studied both in vitro and in vivo. Ferulic acid presented in coffee has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antibacterial, antiplatelet, and antiviral effect [ 34 ]. Pharmacological properties of ferulic acid are related to its high antioxidant activity, in particular, its ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation in biological membranes.
People consume coffee or tea every day, sometimes several times a day. Coffee is the main drink in Europe, America and Asia. In recent years, consumption of coffee has increased even in England, a prominently tea-drinking country. Coffee consumption is rising rapidly in China and Japan where a centuries-old tradition of tea consumption is strongest.
Coffee and tea provide a very significant portion of the daily intake of antioxidants established for humans.