Thesis on what makes us human

Humans have the power to influence the evolution of virtually all other species in the world. Humans are capable of so much, such as extreme good and extreme evil. If the evolutionary clock was to be rewound, the chances of the first living cell evolving into similar modern humans that inhabit the globe today would be less than 0.

Some Anthropologists argue it is the formation and use of complex tools — except further research has shown all primates and even some other species grasp the concept of making and using tools.

Others say it is our capacity for higher, rational thought — except current research into other non-primate species is showing again and again a grasp of abstraction and other cognitive capacities we formerly believed were the domain of humanity alone. Perhaps it is our capacity, our need, to believe in something; to possess a mythology, a history beyond history, to explain our existence and the existence of the world around us.

Our concepts of symbolism, a belief in a spirit world and those people who have the ability to Genetic evidence sheds considerable light on the origins of the hominid lineage. An increasing body of fossil data helps us to understand where and when hominids came into existence. The first signs of hominid evolution are the morphological changes associated with bipedality, a locomotor pattern that offered fitness, advantages in a new environment.

However, other behaviors remained similar to those of nonhuman primates. Dramatic progress came with the evolution of Homo erectus, who exhibited more "human" morphology and life ways. The Question of Non-Human Intelligence Human beings have long assumed that they were at the pinnacle of the evolutionary pyramid thanks mainly to their more complex brain. They believe that this advanced brain makes them not just more intelligent but categorically different from all other organisms.

Recent advances in the fields of neurobiology and anatomy have begun to chisel away at this most scared of human assumptions and demonstrate that human brains, and the intelligence associated with them, are not categorically different than other animals. Instead the research indicates that intelligence is on a continuum from "lower" animals to "higher" ones.

These findings led to new fields of research which sought to gain a better understanding of intelligence and its evolution by comparing the behaviors and the brains of various organisms. Classification is the ordering of organisms into categories to show evolutionary relationships. There is much thought and consideration that goes into animal classification, and specifically primate classification. Different primates are observed and are looked at genetically.

Having empathy and sensitivity towards others is essential and can make a huge difference to our perception and treatment of others.

Such traits are most notably evident in hospitals, hospices and other such caring environments. But there are issues with some organisations, individual care homes and hospitals, where there appears to be a lack of empathy and sensitivity with devastating effect. Curiosity also plays a large part in what defines us as human. Our curiosity has been directed inward as much as outward.

Research into the development and working of the human body has grown to a discipline of unimaginable scale. With every discovery about our humanity we are faced with the question of whether or not we should revise the way we envisage ourselves as human beings. The science of modern medicine has allowed us to overcome challenges that would once have killed us or left us permanently disabled.

We have developed cures and prosthetics, we are able to regenerate cells from living tissue and perform countless other procedures that bring, not just the prospect of recovery, but also hope and continued quality of life. Some medical advances raise moral questions, too. For instance, our ability to manipulate human embryos brings joy to families the world over while also raising concerns about the ethical implications of our actions.

This very human sense of curiosity is my mainstay. I have found ways to feel and sense sound that do not rely on the usual physiological methods. My innate curiosity led to the discovery that I could use my body as a resonating chamber and sense sound using the whole of myself rather than only using my ears. I was then able to fulfil my hopes and dreams of becoming a musician. I have learned to understand speech by lip reading and I have learned to feel sound as if though my body were a giant ear.

There are humans from different parts of the world. We all have different cultures, ways of thinking, dressing, ways of behaving and ways of living our lives. Laughing and loving are signs of being humans.

That is what makes us different from animals. Animals act by instincts only; humans act by instincts and thinking. Laughing is a human sign; a way of showing friendliness, likeness and sometimes it is a sign of showing love and appreciation to one another. Sense of humor and common sense are very important in a human. That determines the personality of each of us, which it converts us a special kind of person. A Human is unique; there is no one similar to the other one.

However, we also desire to surpass time; we have fantasies about living forever. Philosophical people question themselves to understand whether their interpretation of reality fits with the reality itself.

Human beings despise lies; we have this desire to understand everything that we can, leading to the establishment and development of many of subjects that are shown in school e.

What is real, what is true, and what is lucid are vital questions, but only for us. Its perceptions are its beliefs and its desires are its will. It is engaged in conscious activities, but it is not conscious of them. That is, they are not the objects of its attention. In conclusion, these differences between human beings and animals may seem obvious to some of us, but people who are not aware are being indoctrinated into compulsive consumerism and become passive citizens misinformed by the mainstream media channels.

They are being enslaved the same way we treat animals in factories but only with better living conditions for occidental countries. Good reasoning can help bring clarity to these significant issues and prevent us humans of acting like animals. Please help to keep our humanity. What Makes Us Human?. What Makes Us Human? Accessed November 12, Download paper. Essay, Pages 4 words.

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