Simply position your hair so it hides the hickey, and make sure you keep it there while you talk to other people. As a last resort, reach for your makeup bag to get the job done.
Then, apply a layer of green color corrector to cancel out any bruising, and then finish by applying concealer and foundation to smooth out area and complete coverage. View Original Source. Share Share Share. What is a hickey? Give yourself a mini massage. Apply a cold compress. Use Arnica gel. Moisturize with aloe vera. Eat helpful foods. How to hide a hickey: If you have no luck with the tricks above, you might have to resort to concealing rather than healing until the hickey goes away on its own.
But peppermint oil can also irritate skin. A ratio of 1 or 2 drops peppermint oil to 15 drops of carrier oil, such as jojoba or almond oil, is recommended.
Massage the oil into the area with light pressure. Too much pressure could make the bruise worse. Shop for peppermint essential oil online.
Cocoa butter is used in a variety of topical skin treatments. While research on cocoa butter reveals mixed results , many swear by cocoa butter for smoothing scars, reducing stretch marks and wrinkles, and eliminating or decreasing other superficial marks on skin. Cocoa butter may also help with skin elasticity, which may improve appearance. Apply the thick cream to the area one to two times per day. Shop for cocoa butter online. Pineapple is rich with a type of enzyme called bromelain.
Using this treatment is as simple as applying a slice of pineapple right to the effected spot. You can do this four or five times a day, but watch for irritation. Pineapple is a very acidic food, and the delicate skin of your neck may become irritated quickly. Vitamin K plays a role in helping your blood clot properly. In cream form, it may speed up bruise healing. Apply vitamin K cream directly to the skin one to two times per day. You can also boost your vitamin K levels by eating foods rich in the nutrient , like leafy greens, soy beans, pork, and poultry.
Shop for vitamin K cream online. The peel hosts a great number of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, and it can have a soothing and calming impact on skin. You can apply the peel directly to your hickey, and it may help reduce signs of bruising and irritation.
Leave the peel in place for up to 30 minutes, or until the banana peel turns brown. You can do this two to three times per day, but stop using it if your skin becomes irritated. Vitamin C may be best known for its ability to boost the immune system, but it also plays a vital role in the production of collagen, a protein that helps skin stay strong and gives it its elasticity.
Applying a vitamin C cream directly to the bruise may also speed up skin healing and eliminate the bruise quickly. Shop for vitamin C cream online.
If left alone, a hickey will fade on its own in about 10 days to 2 weeks. Alternatively, you could apply pressure to the spot while continuing your hookup if you happen to be extremely anti-hickey and also great at multitasking. Once your hookup session is over, Dr. Finney says, you can apply a cold compress to the hickey to reduce some of the redness and inflammation , and Dr. Shah says heat or pressure might work as well. Instead you might just have to live with your hickey for a few weeks.
Which brings us to The only tried-and-true hickey-removal methods are time and patience, so just sit back, relax, and give it time. Brodell says. So your strongest option is just to let your body heal at its own pace.
If you want to try and nudge things along, Dr. A literature review, published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology , examined bruises after cosmetic surgery. Researchers found a few small studies that suggest vitamin K creams can reduce bruises, but Dr. In short: Vitamin K creams might be worth a shot, but don't expect your hickey to vanish immediately after using them.
If you do want to give them a try, you can diligently apply one following on the directions on the packaging and see how it goes. It might not shorten your recovery time, but vitamin K is generally not something that many people react badly to, Dr. Brodell says, so it could be fine to try. You can still have a reaction to other ingredients in the product that may not be obvious on the label, especially if you have sensitive skin, so consider patch testing before really going for it.
In need of a few good recommendations? Check out our favorite concealers and foundations. Will this get rid of your hickey?