Top American Speeches. Online Speech Bank. American Rhetoric. J esus of N azareth Sermon on the Mount KJV Matthew 5 1: And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: 2: And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, 3: B lessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
New International Version New Revised Standard Version Matthew 6 1: Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Pray for those who persecute you. In short, answer hate with love, and persecution with tolerance and forbearance. Strive to be perfect, just as God in heaven is perfect.
We then move to the sixth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus focuses on prayer here, telling his followers to pray in their closets, in secret, for God will hear their prayers and reward them publicly. Many hypocrites pray in places of public worship so they can be seen to be praying : the biblical equivalent of virtue signalling.
How should they pray? Not by using pointless repetitions, just for the sake of making lots of words and noises for God. Just fast in private and present a normal countenance to the world, because God will know that you are observing your fast and reward you accordingly.
As with his earlier comments on prayer and fasting, Jesus is here addressing the subject of hypocrisy. Ask for what you need and it will be granted to you, seek it and you will find it, knock and the door will be opened. It has been suggested that this is a reference to the fact that Jesus or Matthew, at least is addressing his message specifically among Jews, and not among Gentiles or non-Jews.
In such an interpretation, Jesus is saying that the message of God would be wasted upon Gentiles, like giving pearls to pigs. Tradition names the location as a large hill known as Karn Hattin, located near Capernaum along the Sea of Galilee.
There is a modern church nearby called the Church of the Beatitudes. The Sermon on the Mount is by far Jesus' longest explanation of what it looks like to live as His follower and to serve as a member of God's Kingdom. In many ways, Jesus' teachings during the Sermon on the Mount represent the major ideals of the Christian life. For example, Jesus taught about subjects such as prayer, justice, care for the needy, handling the religious law, divorce, fasting, judging other people, salvation, and much more.
Jesus' words are practical and concise; He was truly a master orator. In the end, Jesus made it clear that His followers should live in a noticeably different way than other people because His followers should hold to a much higher standard of conduct -- the standard of love and selflessness that Jesus Himself would embody when He died on the cross for our sins. It's interesting that many of Jesus' teachings are commands for His followers to do better than what society allows or expects.
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