How does a r4i work on a dsi xl

I will give you the most sincere advice. It is a series of flash cartridges for the Nintendo DS handheld system.

No converting, no files to worry about, and absolutely no patching required. R4 DS is just an amazing little flashcart to use with the same size of an original DS card, it is a complete solution with no need to purchase any additional components or deal with any messy software and truly the easiest media enhancer you have ever done; To set it up on any Nintendo DS family handheld, users just need to do 3 steps, download, drag and play.

Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Or, to put it less optimistic, won't brick your flashcard. To make matters worse, there are at least 7 different flashcards called "R4i SDHC" on gbatemps Ultimate Flashcard Download Index , and there is no way to tell which firmware will work. It seems that your firmware has been upgraded, and you need to download the latest kernel from the official website and that should work.

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SlickNicky10 slicknicky Mario Van Tol. The best way is too set ur date back all the way to at any date. Although it may corrupt or destroy some of ur game data in the game. But it should work if the card is expired and comes up with some red text. As well as if u want to play a normal game cardige then just set the date back. This mainly would work on the 3ds. But if you have a dsi then you have to go into the settings by taking out the r4 and any other inputs.

Then I had just tampered around then when I turned it on and on the games worked. I hope it works but yeah it might not. And normally for the ds it keeps saying it's loading follow the steps above that I wrote and that might help. But when it says it's loading you have probably corrupted or ruined the card meaning you have to pay for a new one.

Asha Cull ashacull. Maybe you should change to another R4 card, the better choice is r4 3ds card now for the time being. Chiel Wildemors theonechiel. Posted: March You can also homebrew your dsi.

Fix Your Stuff Community Store. Back Answers Index. The card may have become corrupted the sd card so try reformatting it back up the files to save downloading it all again or prehaps the SD card has died. How do I use R4 card on DSi?

Why is my R4 card not working in my DSi? How to get DS Lite to recognize R4? Do you have to buy a new R4 card? What to do if your R4 card is not working? What kind of R4 card does a 3DS plus use? Are R4 DS Cards illegal? Does R4 cards work on original DS?


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