In the study, Dr Ward of UCL's Psychology Department documented a woman known as GW who could see colours like purple and blue in response to people she knew or their names when read to her. Words triggered a colour which spread across her whole field of vision, whilst people themselves appeared to have coloured 'auras' projected around them.
For example, 'James' triggered pink, 'Thomas' black and 'Hannah' blue. A similar test using words rated on a scale of 1 to 7 for their emotional impact showed that highly emotive words such as fear or hate also triggered colours. Words associated with positive emotions tended to elicit pink, orange, yellow, and green, whereas words associated with negative emotions triggered brown, grey, and black.
Learning to see someone's aura can tell you a great deal about that person and his or her character. Learning to see your own aura can inspire you to make changes that will improve the signals that you radiate. Spot a liar. Auras can't be faked. If someone is being dishonest with you, you'll be able to spot it as you "listen" to their thoughts via their aura. Learn the colors of auras and their meanings. Auras exist in a wide range of colors, which convey a message about the person or object they surround.
While there are a number of variations, each with a specific message, these are the basic colors. Red pertains to the heart, circulation and the physical body. Viewed in a positive light, it can indicate a healthy ego; on the negative side it may speak to anger, anxiety or an unforgiving nature.
Method 2. Know when it's time to cleanse. We pick up other people's energies without even being aware of it. When those energies are negative, they affect our aura negatively.
You may have had an experience like this: you're in a good mood and looking forward to spending time with a friend. You're enjoying your evening but at some point realize that you're feeling irritable and anxious. When you get home, you're in a full-blown bad mood, and you're not sure how you got there.
A situation like this indicates that you should cleanse your aura. Even if your aura doesn't seem out of balance, it's a good idea to cleanse it periodically to release any negative energies.
Cleanse your aura. Focus on your root chakra located at the base of your spine and associated with the color red. Envision it anchored to the earth by a red light that extends beneath it.
Then envision yourself engulfed in a shower of brilliant gold light radiating down from the sun. Let the light penetrate your body and your aura. Hold this image for some time. Then envision a violet light extending from the soles of your feet to the top of your head.
See and feel it as a warm, protective blanket and believe that it has the ability to heal and protect any gaps in your aura. At this point, the cleansing and healing process is underway, and you should feel yourself becoming stronger, releasing negative energy and feeling more at peace. Meditate on this feeling for a while.
When you feel comfortable, imagine a white light surrounding your cleansed aura for additional protection. Protect your aura. You can take other steps to protect and strengthen your aura; these include massage, shielding, cord cutting, and heavenly intervention.
Try Reiki energy healing. This light touch therapy increases the flow of energy by helping to remove stagnant or blocked chi. A Reiki practitioner acts as a medium to receive divine energy and channel it into your energy field where it pushes through blocked chi to prevent further mental, emotional, physical or spiritual dysfunction. Method 3. Start by sensing. A good way to begin seeing auras is to practice sensing them.
That means paying attention to how you feel in someone's presence. Take a deep breath, exhale and then focus on the physical sensations in your body and your gut reaction. Ask yourself how being around the person makes you feel--serene? Think about what color you would attach to this person.
As your abilities are enhanced, sensing and seeing auras will become easier. Develop your peripheral vision. Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Advanced search. Skip to main content Thank you for visiting nature. Download PDF. Synaesthetic woman sees colours around faces and names. You have full access to this article via your institution.
Synaesthesia can cause people to see coloured auras around friends or loved ones. Mismatching colour names slows our reaction times. Synaesthetes experience a similar effect if numbers or names are given the 'wrong' colour. References 1 WardJ. Article Google Scholar Download references. Authors Emma Marris View author publications. Additional information University College London. Rights and permissions Reprints and Permissions.
About this article Cite this article Marris, E. Copy to clipboard. You can have more than one color present in your enteric field, too. This is called a rainbow aura. Yes, it's possible to take a test to predict your aura color, as derived from personality traits, preferences and habits.
Though ultimately, it's up to you to determine whether the results are accurate. Further, they can help you identify what you are calling in or what you should be calling in energetically to help in the manifestation process , she says.
The concept of energetic frequency is important in this context as it gives us insight into how fast energy is moving. The pattern of the colors has a meaning, too. Colors above the head near the crown chakra reflect your conscious emotional and mental state at the current moment. Stare at them or a photo of them for 45 seconds with one eye open and the other eye closed.
You may have to repeat this a few times. As with astrological signs, certain aura colors are more compatible with others. Your mood can change, and so can the color of your aura. This can depend on your company—as different energies can cling to our personal auras—and your degree of self-care. The good news is that we can clean our aura and bring back its vibrancy, even after a tough run.
This may make us feel out of sorts, exhausted, or anxious. When this happens, I believe it's time to cleanse your aura. You can do so by bathing or taking a shower with Epsom or Himalayan Salt, which will cleanse your energetic field, some say smudging your space and body with white sage helps, you can meditate, or use a selenite crystal like a wand across your body to detox all the negative vibes.
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