During this phase, Elegon will cast Energy Cascade at random players. This creates an avoidable patch on the ground. If players get hit, they take very high Arcane damage. A Cosmic Spark will spawn whenever this projectile hits the ground. The Cosmic Sparks move slowly, but hit extremely hard, and can two shot non-tanks.
They should be grouped up at the North end of the room, picked up by tanks, and quickly AoEd down. Once all six pillars are down, Phase one restarts. Concerns in this phase: Nobody can get hit by Energy Cascade. Use stuns to keep them away.
A tank should pick them up quickly and they should be AoEd once all the pillars are down. The fight now repeats itself once. Comment by Whiterock Should remind Lorewalker Cho not to press random buttons on suspicious consoles Comment by Small tip to DPS warriors, be sure to make good use of beserker stance in this fight, especially in the last phase.
The raid damage at this point is very intense and consistent, and the extra rage generated is extremely valuable for executes. Comment by Skaree Couple tips for Hunters during this fight: During phase 2 when the charges spawn, you can hit all 3 on your side with a single Multi-Shot. If you go Survival for this fight, it makes bringing down the charges easier with Serpent Spread. Your Explosive Trap can also hit all 3 if placed properly, giving you a good chance for a Lock and Load trigger.
You'll also want to make sure you go back to DPSing Elegon once the charges are cleared and you're waiting for another round of them. Having a full Focus bar will make it much easier to burst down the charge s you're assigned to. Comment by Ekomi As far as normal modes go, this boss is indeed a challenge for the whole team. Mobility, both burst and sustained DPS, tankswitching and massive aoe healing are required each in turn.
If you happen to be one of those few who still play rogue in MoP, speccing shadowstep and versatility here would be a very good idea for rapid target switches - ie building some combo points on Elegon himself then transferring them to the Power sparks during the transition phase, or dropping a 5-point eviscerate on the celestial guardians while moving out to reset your stacks. That hunter standing on the edge of the Vortex in phase 3?
That's your ticket for a quick reset of stacks, then sprint back in and pop killing spree from max range.. Comment by As a bear tank, I have somehow managed to take several Critical melee hits from him. When taken directly after a celestial breath and an Ahnniliation it will kill said tank. I've only seen it there in man though, not in 25 LFR. It's right beneath the console at the very bottom of the pit, you'll see the Cogwheel icon. Comment by Here was a video i found that explained the 10man fight really well and also got us straight six.
It is a lot shorter and plus it has a calming girls voice. Comment by Magicmoose A tip for heroic 10 - Leave a dps out instead of the tank to soak the Annihilations with abilities like Dispersion and Greater Invisibility, especially in the second cycle. It is the most elegant way to eliminate potential wipes from slow tank swaps and inconsistencies with damage on the Celestial Protectors, and also recover from the sloppiness of the transition into the second cycle. If you have good DPS, then give this boss a try.
Comment by theraafa Is it only me that feels like this guy is somewhat related to the Earthen and the Titans? You see, his body Comment by Aquifel As of today's hotfix patch notes: The floor of Elegon's chamber should now always reappear after he is defeated.
Off Tank : Tank adds. You'll be surprised how many forget this part. DPS : Nuke adds, then boss. Don't stand in bad stuff. Healers : Heal people. Be prepared for heavy AoE damage when adds die. Phase 2: Main Tank : Tank boss. Hit boss whenever you have time. Phase 3: The platform powers down, everyone runs off, about five people invariably fall down the pit and are irrelevant to the remainder of the fight. Tanks : Tank whatever adds you can reach from your sections.
DPS : Kill whatever adds spawn, and the rest of the time, break barriers. Healers : Heal whoever you can reach from your section. When the barriers break down, quickly reach injured targets your previously couldn't. Everyone : Stay in your section until the barriers are broken. They hurt. Don't bother trying to combat-res those who fell down, they're unreachable.
Rinse and repeat through phases until the boss is dead. Phase 4 occurs when boss dies : Healers : Resurrect who you can. Don't bother with mass resurrecting the victims of the pit, you can't. They're out of reach. Victims of the pit : Corpserun. Everyone : Get gold, or sometimes loot.
Count how many people fell down the pit and get a good laugh. Wait until half the raid is replaced after leaving because the boss dropped or didn't drop the loot they wanted, then proceed to the next one. Comment by dangerfox Dear Blizzard, Please oh please add an achievement for when you get accidentally Forceful Swing ed into the giant open pit. Comment by Chromell Just a thing here for my fellow mages.
Our Blink spell seems to behave erratically on the astral platform with or without the Momentum Glyph. If you cast it while moving you will be sent backwards from where you're facing. So, in any case, be sure to be standing still if you'll blink in the platform.
Comment by Midgetpower Obliteration his You Arcane. Comment by Djeena Just a tip to all of you trying this boss through raid-finder: The floor will disappear, and if you cannot make it out in time, you will plummet to an untimely death.
There is a warning, but it's only a few seconds before it happens, so be ware! The remains of the fight took forever Comment by unklebobb If you are having framerate issues on this boss, switch your shadow detail settings to maximum. I know it sounds silly but it works. I went from FPS to which I can heal at. Just a random fact Comment by I have some speculation about the origin of the room this boss is in, The Engine of Nalak'sha.
Nalak is a boss on the Isle of Thunder that is a thundering serpent and pet of Lei Shen the thunder king. A sha is a physical manifestation of negative energy. Taking consideration of the names, the room is called The Engine of Manifested storms, or vice-versa.
Comment by jazewel Somebody always falls. Every single time. Comment by jeremyjw is there a record for most number of orbs killed?
This happened in 10 normal difficulty. This boss obviously hates too high dps. Comment by Boomboy According to the statues found in the Vault of Archavon, Elegon and Algalon would be beings made out of pure energy, and would be part of the Titans' greatest champions.
Seeing how both were tuned when they were released, i think this is close to the truth. Any other indication, Blizz? Comment by Illanyss I know only a few people would think of this but Knaak, from the Diablo universe and found a character there that reminded me immediately of Elegon: Trag'Oul. It is referred to as a dragon and described as a eastern culture dragon serpentine body with legs and its body is made of He speaks directly into the mind of the other characters and in the stars of his body you can see the past, present and future of many people.
So, yeah, way before Mogu Shan Vaults there was a dragon made of stars out there, in Blizzard's universe Comment by HelleBelle Just a fair warning, do not go all out on this boss in the beginning, or he bugs horribly.
We spent around 5 minutes waiting to see if it would respawn, then we just gave up and jumped to our deaths. Second attempt, we managed to get all the orbs the first time, second time we missed a few. Floor despawned and pillar rose as usual, again, but then in the middle of killing the last few pillars, one orb respawned and made it's way to the last pillar. We killed it before they connected. Then all the orbs respawned and made their way to where the pillars once were.
We missed killing a few. Then the floor respawned, we made our way back in, then Elegon yanked all of us to him, the floor despawned, and we all died. TL;DR - Chill on the dps in the start of the fight or nine times out of ten you will wipe to weird bugs.
Have a dps sit out if need be. Comment by jeroenploeg91 Atonement heals seem to go through the barrier on Heroic. Noticed I was healing a dps in the outer ring while I was dpsing the boss. Would be nice if anyone could confirm that it was indeed Atonement. Probably also works for Dream of Cenarius druid , Eminence monks , Ancestral guidance Shaman and possibly totems. Comment by Araitik Elegon was hotfixed, either this week or last week, to no longer trigger phase change during his enrage cast.
Comment by jeroenploeg91 Beware: This boss can bug due to too high dps! You still have to follow fight mechanics. It's not like Cataclysm raids where you can basically ignore the mechanics and burn down the boss. Getting the sparks down is crucial so that Elegon will take a lot more damage; this can be the difference between a kill and a wipe when you have so few people, and you will need to save your survival and DPS cooldowns for the last phase when his damage output gets really obscene.
If you do the fight as it's supposed to be done, you can probably two-man it so long as one of you is a tank or maybe if one of you is a really good healer. Healing-capable classes will make things easier.
Experiment and have fun farming for your mount! Comment by Adalwolfa1 10H Elegon is soloable by hunters now, killed as a bm hunter with spirit beast pet. Also try to kill as many waves of the sparks as possible, I managed about waves each time which made the fight a lot easier.
Comment by Whoisthiscook Probably the easiest boss in the raid to solo as a Retribution Paladin. Pop Avenging Wrath in the start to burst him quickly to the Draw phase, then keep killing the adds with a Divine Storm amplified by Final Verdict.
Run out and back in with Speed of Light to reset stacks quickly if they get too high. Lay on Hands if low on health. Repeat until win. The most difficult part of the fight is dealing with the Celestial Protectors. In addition to that, the explosion will apply a 2-minute duration debuff that will cause you to immediately die from the next Total Annihilation.
The adds can in theory simply be ignored, but as a Prot Warrior, not killing the Protector means that you can't use Revenge or Thunder Clap, which makes killing Elegon in time extremely difficult.
Instead you want to only get one add every two minutes, or one per "Stage One" phase of the fight. Aside from that, you obviously need to be able to deal enough damage to Elegon to only get one add per phase, otherwise you'll need to do some improvising. When Elegon summons the six Energy Charges, simply cast Thunder Clap from the center of his hitbox, and it should hit every add, also afflicting them with Deep Wounds.
Unless your gear level is very low, or you've been in the phase for a very long time, the Energy Charges should all die before they reach the edge of the room, enabling you to keep Elegon in this phase almost indefinitely.
You can safely kill him in the second Draw Power phase if you wish. When the Energy Charges hit the edge of the room and despawn the floor, the small adds that spawn during that phase will conveniently enable the use of Victory Rush upon death, so use them to make sure that you go into the next phase at full health. If anyone's curious, you could do heroic Elegon at level 90, and man Elegon has been soloed with ilevel. I have no doubt 25H will be possible next tier, or possibly even this tier.
Tips: - Glyph of Blood Boil is absolutely mandatory. If you're doing it at 90, reset stacks at the beginning of Focus Power casts. Of course, this isn't necessary, but it's fun to see k Soul Reaper crits!
Bad news: currently buggy to the point where trying to solo it is absurd. Bugs and changes I've encountered so far: Energy Cores don't always activate an Empyreal Focus upon reaching it.
It's possible for them to stack on an Empyreal Focus indefinitely while Elegon chain casts Draw Power. Empyreal Focuses don't always deactivate after being brought down to 0 1 hp. They sometimes deactivate at a later time several minutes later but you are more likely to wipe to Berserk than to successfully wait this out. The two bugs above have no apparent causal relationship with one another. Comment by leowow This fight in Normal Mode is bugged. You cant break all the pillars. They stay in 0 Hp and they arent destroyed.
I'm still not very good at executing the fight, and the fight may bug out horribly for you, but it's still very doable. I then extend this lock every week. When I am ready to run Elegon, I log in with my tank, create a custom group with auto-accept on the group finder and log out I make sure that my raid difficulty is set to 10N before I do. I log back in with my warlock, join the group which has not yet disappeared from the group finder and enter the raid, skipping the first 4 bosses.
The reason for that is that is an instant cast spell that is very useful for taking out Energy Charge s during the Draw Power phase Phase 2. Tier 4: Does not really matter, maybe Burning Rush if you have to pick up the pace at some point. Tier 5: , Tier 6: and Tier 7: Cataclysm. I summon a Voidlord to tank Elegon, who still packs quite a punch.
I used , and. Then you want to kill at least a couple waves of Energy Cores, which is not easy on a ranged class that is not very mobile i. Use a flask, drums, food, don't forget to prepot and if you want, you can set up a demonic circle and a portal on the outer ring for a faster phase 3, but that's not required.
Phase 1 The first phase 1 should be as short as possible. Try and save Demonic Energy during that phase, you will need it during power draw. Cast Soul Fire in caster form when you have a Molten Core proc.
Phase 2 Shift into Demon form and touch of chaos the orbs. You should be able to kill two waves. Run to the outer circle when the Foci are activated. If you have extra Demonic Energy you can shift into meta and cast touch of chaos instead, which is better for movement. Just kite the Cosmic Spark s around the room and when they are about to catch up, drag them near a Focus and cast Hand of Gul'dan, that will clear them up.
When Phase 3 is about to end, thank the RNG gods for not having the fight bug on you in the form of an unkillable 0 hp Empyreal Focus and prepare to run back to the center. You may have a few Cosmic Sparks on leash but that's ok. Wait for a Celestial Protector to show up and have everybody share the joy of your Cataclysm. The second phase 1 should be the burn phase. Just unleash everything you have on Elegon.
If another phase 2 starts and you are not close to killing him, rinse and repeat. Essentially, when that happens, Elegon turns into a giant target dummy. Try not to count on it though, and good luck on your Reins of the Astral Cloud Serpent! Comment by duranox Very easy to solo for Unholy dks, the only hard part of the boss is the first phase because it deals the most damage.
Once he starts channeling to the conduits, just blood boil the sparks every time and he'll never exit that phase. Comment by wisedada Do you have some troubles with pillars?
I'll share with you the tip i've found on Mmo-Champion, really useful in my opinion. Best ways to prevent the immune bug are to either kill it before it matters or don't burn him so hard during the first pillar phase forcing him to overlap them.
If you consistently have trouble then a little patience via letting the fight progress normally will do wonders for you. Comment by bluudbath Like others I was having troubles with the pillars bugging out and not dieing while soloing. I have found that if I do not kill the energy charges the pillars do not bug out. I don't know why, but it's been working for me I hope it works for you as well! Good luck! Comment by leowow I tried many ways, killing the pillars, not killing the pillars, all ended up in a bug.
I always have to do 2 or 3 tries to finish it, the first tries are always bugged pillars for me. I wrote to Blizz asking if they could fix it, its annoying to wipe until you can finish it without the bug. A Blizzard GM told me that this is not considered a bug because the battle is not intended to be soloed by players. Blizzard Tweet for proof You can still loot it even if you haven't gotten the Cloud Serpent Riding skill yet, though you can not mount it. Comment by lillbrorsan I just got this on our second kill of Elegon on DMF, probably server first, it is so sparkly and pretty :].
Comment by Ekomi Well I'll be damned. This thing looks awesome, and pretty much guarantees Elegon will see visits all through MoP and whatever comes next. I've got this on Wed and still working on rep, should be done tomorrow. I will upload a ss then. Comment by moknathal I got this mount last week off Elegon. Comment by Ephoria If any priest with this could upload a screenshot of it in Shadowform Both glyphed and unglyphed I'd be very thankful!
Edit: Thanks, looks amazing! After he won the roll, he admit not having exalted yet with the Order of the Cloud Serpent. Woeoeoet, EU-Stormscale Horde. It also makes sense based on difficulty and would match that of mounts like this which were around in the past. Hope this information proves helpful. Comment by garangalbreath The most aesthetically pleasing part of this mount is probably the stars that explode from his center.
Comment by InsigniaX got this on Sunday with the guild in 10 man, it was the first time we had downed Elegon and it dropped, was lucky enough to win the roll I've added two screen shots of me on and alt in shadowform glyphed and un-glyphed. Comment by Gasta In regards to the line in "My god, Its full of stars" Estelyen posted: "The interesting thing about this rather famous quote is that no one really knows what David Bowman who uttered the phrase meant by it.
The Monolith was a reflection of time and space as indicated in an interview Authur C Clark gave prior to his passing before Contact was released. Later we see that there were several thousand Monoliths that were apparently self replicating time and space to create a stable living enviorment for what exactly was never explained. That was to be explained in a third novel that was never written but I would surmise that it was a race that picked Eruropa as its home unbeknownst to humans.
Thats the best I can do on that so I hope it helped. It was adapted into a much more popular movie by Stanley Kubrick, but you won't find that quote in Kubricks movie. The interesting thing about this rather famous quote is that no one really knows what David Bowman who uttered the phrase meant by it.
Comment by Just got my mount last night XD its awesome. Comment by These new dragons are something really awesome. Comment by wowZhenek So, has there been a confirmation that the mount can be rolled from the coin. I mean, I've rolled there almost 42 times over all chars and I've yet to see the mount either drop or get it from coin.
By saying that I've never seen anyone saying that they got it frm coin either. Comment by xerxes Quick question, as of 5. Has it been removed? Comment by sickbox Here is a list of mount drops from Instances, Raids, and World Bosses to save some looking around. I wonder if mount gonna show up one day. Comment by Dovie This mount also makes faint twinkling chime sounds as stars shoot from its midsection.
Comment by AlexL Can anybody give mathematical argumentation about where is better to farm it: on 25m or on 10m provided you have full raid in both cases? From one side, in case of 10m you have 2. But from other side, in 25m you have 3 times more chance of drop each boss drops 6 items instead of 2 items. Comment by sitecow09 Johnny Awesome: Look at me peasant.
Epics cover my body from head to toe, earned by me by killing the greatest bosses Azeroth has ever known. Now look at Yourself Quickly, look back at me. After reading through the comments on this page and some others, it seems ambiguous and this point does not seem to be specifically addressed. Comment by I was lucky enough to get it. I saw this mount dropped earlier in my weekly run.
Chances of seeing it drop again maybe after 12 months Comment by onyxman Solo: Elegon! Comment by Sirvi Being a player that usually is at the mercy of the RNG Gods, I typically lose end tier mounts on rolls, such as seeing Expirement 12B during Cata which was the ONLY time I ever saw this mount drop or Amani Battle Bear had a few friends help me try to get it seeing they had their bears, but a random pug that I recruited manage to win it and rub the winning in my face My very first sighting of this beautiful mount and this happens.
This mount, along with Horridon's drop and Ji-Kun's drop, I haven't seen-and thinking like everyone else was to use their coin rolls to get a chance to have these mounts drop Well, so much for ever seeing this mount drop or winning it whenever I run this raid with random pugs. So I took a chance on May 6th and did a mount run with a random pug and lo and behold I rolled a 53 when I believe that the raid leader won with a So, if your an avid mount collector like I am with mounts now don't give up hope.
Comment by Christian Here is a list of "spectral" looking items. Comment if you know any more. Comment by madara know someone that got this mount then quit a few weeks after..
Thought it was implemented in all MoP Raids! It would be much easier to get people to run this for this mount! Equal chance for everyone! Comment by visconwow This mount just appeared on the Black market auction house on Draenor-EU, was pretty surprised to see it on there, and I imagine it will go for goldcap.
Comment by helltrooper I was able to snag this mount by soloing MSV the other day. As of 6. They now work like any other mount. Comment by di3di3di3 Is the drop chance higher on heroic mode? Is it higher in 25man version compared to 10man? I believe you can even create a txt file and rename it to that, make sure no. Comment by Kevenatecor My first time ever trying to farm this mount on Heroic Mode and it dropped I almost had a stroke lol..
Holy cow! Comment by filletr0n For everyone that's having the bug where one or more of the pillars don't pop up, thus not being able to destroy them all to get back to the platform. I found a solution for this. When the Celestial Protector appears, make sure to kill him before Elegon starts to draw power to summon the orbs. If you do that, all the pillars will show up. PS: With this method, you can destroy as many orbs as you can, it won't bug the encounter.
Comment by Rhacius Soloed it on my rogue with the dalaran teleport ring equipped accidentally. Definitely possible to solo as a rogue just facetanking everything on 10m normal. Comment by Lavia2 Love this mount! Is one of my favorites atm, got him with my hunter 2 weeks ago solo 10 normal.
Comment by davidgabriel A friend and I started doing this 4 weeks ago. We did it on normal 10m and then we did it on 10m heroic for 2 weeks.
Our second time doing it on heroic it dropped last night. I dont know if the drop rate is higher on heroic or not. If you know someone who doesnt care about getting this mount then run it on heroic with someone and see what happens.
Maybe it has a higher drop rate, maybe not but it cant hurt to mix it up every now and then. This is definitely one of my top 3 favorites now. Comment by dreamchaos1 best looking serpent out there. Comment by Teeradon I can confirmed this mount drop on 10 normal I just got it today. Comment by kniali dropped for me yesterday on 10man nh after 49 trys.
Comment by kaintk had it on my second try :D. Comment by Iamme Doing 10 man since WoD. I am guessing 0. When I got mine, I killed the adds so quickly that he never reached the first pillar phase. The "stuck pillar" bug still happens, and you're still out of luck if you can't teleport down the hall. Dying to the pit doesn't cause durability damage. Any class can face-tank through Elegon 10N by item level at the very latest.
I know this firsthand because I farmed this weekly on every class except Priest and Mage I don't play either one ; my only deaths to Elegon 10N were broken pillars. If you're going the face-tank route, Elegon is the easiest boss by far. Comment by Poearia Just dropped for me after 23 kills of Normal man Elegon. Was skeptical about the Normal vs. Heroic droprate.
Reading over the drop ratios between the two, I figured heroic was the way to go, but I was wrong :! Do love the mount, but I wish the texture was a bit more solid I know it's astral , and the star lights along the body get a lil' bit annoying while flying around farming.
Comment by Dwarwen Today i got this mount. Just spend 3 weeks 12 characters. I can't kill it shammy, rogg and mage maybe my skill is not enough :.
All other class can easy beat boss. Yea sometimes pillars buggy but reset boss it's not buggy anymore. Good luck your farming.
As long as you can do about 25k dps the damage buff you get seem to give you ample time. The only real problem about farming this mount is the bosses before Elegon, any class that can't do any healing will find them hard. Tip: If you have any dots just dotting the empyreal Focus in phase 3 by the time you do the whole round the first ones will be dead and the rest close to it.
That person must have Been pissed at farming IT! Comment by Sofoula Hey from me also: So i want to share my experience with this mount. After tries inside MSV 10 Normal mode i saw this mount drops twice. I use coin on every try and no mount came up i already knew that coin doesnt brings you mount,i just wanted to check it! I suggest to all players go and farm it like crazy cause its among the best mounts inside this game: And you can fly! Thanks for read my post! Comment by kalfas84 dropped for me yesterday on 10n as my 40th attempt.
It is currently listed in Wowhead's simulated "tooltip" as a 7. It's possible the 7. None of these mounts can drop in LFR. Note that you cannot bonus roll any mounts from any instanced raid bosses. Bonus rolls do work for mounts from Pandaria's four world bosses, Sha of Anger , Galleon , Nalak , and Oondasta , though not for Draenor's world boss Rukhmar. Percentages above reflect drop rates from actual data, and will differ from the probabilities Blizzard has set, especially with smaller sample sizes where "good" or "bad" luck skew the data more.
I am guessing it may be because people don't believe the Astral Cloud Serpent's 0. I think it's very unlikely that the actual drop probability for player normal is lower than that for player normal.
But as I've explained, the percentages in the table are based on Wowhead's actual data , and there's so little data for player modes that those figures are prone to greater inaccuracies. That's why I also included both the number of drops and number of attempts for each mode, to allow people to interpret the data better.
Comment by inquisitiveowl Dropped for me after 86 attempts on 10NM, using 5 characters every week : I didn't use coins, since it's widely reported that they don't give you extra chances at the mount that only works for world boss mounts, as I understand it.
I cleared the first 4 bosses on my hunter, then used the Group Finder to share the lockout with my four alts blood DK, ele shaman, ret paladin and boomkin.
I highly recommend this method for farming, since some of the earlier bosses Gara'jal in particular can be tricky to do with lower-geared alts. My alts are all in the region of and at this item level I wasn't running into many problems with Elegon himself. The fight shouldn't bug as long as you either kill every single one of the orbs, or ignore them completely.
Maybe you kill it more times before you see it. There is no calculation for when it happens. It took me over kills to get the Flametalon of Alysrazor in Firelands. On the other hand, the Spawn of Horridon only took Back in the day, ran toons a week after the fiery warhorse for almost three years on my main account. On this account, got him on the third run for an Opera drop.