The ability to look at your day in a realistic way and remind yourself of what could go wrong is not pessimism. You will encounter rude bosses, conniving colleagues, and pain-in-the-ass customers. Why not prepare for them?
FBI agents do not prepare for arrests by assuming everything will turn out OK. They will conduct a pre-mortem so they can anticipate everything that could possibly go wrong and prepare for it.
People who get stuck in mediocrity are more likely to get frustrated and blow a deal or lose control during a tense negotiation. How To Make It Work For You : Take the time to think through the worst that could happen and allow yourself to feel the negative stuff. I mean real values, not the shitty ones that are measured by money, sex, or power. Shitty values are generated by greed and glamorized by the media. You know, the ones that promise white teeth, perfect hair, and a life of happiness.
Good values devolve when society coddles people to protect them from pain and suffering. They teach us to differentiate between good and bad. Good problems often produce failure, pain, and suffering; they are also the problems that will shape our values. Mediocrity rears its ugly head when we value the wrong things and expect them to make us happy. The mediocre majority. The mediocre majority accept things for what they are, without much thought on if they are living the lives they really want.
They feel trapped, confused, or helpless. They accept the status quo for what it is and seek to fill the void with consumerism, higher status and comparison points. For those who truly know what they want and it includes the bigger house, sports car or promotion, kudos.
They are not settling for mediocrity. Settling for mediocrity takes a greater toll than you may fully realize. Those are all sayings of average people that never had any money. How do they know? Sure, money isn't everything and it alone doesn't create happiness, but it sure as hell is not what corrupts people, and I bet I could be a lot happier being rich than poor.
Money is almost everything; with money we are free to do what we want, so stop thinking of it as this evil thing and actually make it your DUTY to have money! You are obligated to take care of yourself, of your family, and to give yourself and them the best life imagineable, which means you need to have money.
It is your duty. Become the person that uses money for great things, good deeds, and who invests it in noble organizations. Be ethical and be rich at the same time, but be rich! Most average people give up as soon as things get tough and then they complain that they never got what they wanted. Of course things will get hard! You will cry, be frustrated, afraid, angry, and totally beaten to a pulp, but when the average person stops getting up, you have to rise once more.
Whatever it is, however impossible it seems, never surrender, never give up on it, and never settle for anything less than that.
The average person is bored, upset, annoyed, or even all three. It not only exists but thrives all around us. We even do mediocre work at our workplaces, which are built to put the proverbial dent in the universe. There are days we have to carry the emotional burdens of our lives outside of work. And we end up carrying fragments of those lives to our workplace because, sometimes, they are too precious to be left at the doorstep of our workplace. I totally get it and its ramification on the quality of our work.
And you know what, sadly even in those days mediocrity happens. And it happens so much that it sometimes ends up blinding us to see what great work looks like.