Why is stupider a word

But what if we want to describe him as stupid? Would he be more stupid or stupider? Don't ask us for home renovation advice either. The rules governing the proper way of forming the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives are messy things. That is not simple at all. There are also obvious exceptions to the above rules. And some three-syllable words work fine with the -er and - est endings, if they have an un - at the beginning unhappier. However, most people have a solid grasp of how to modify adjective with either a single syllable or more than two.

Some people find stupider and stupidest objectionable, for reasons that are not entirely clear. Both have been in widespread use for hundreds of years, there are no usage guides that we know of forbidding their use, and there are plenty of words which share characteristics of stupid , such as polite both are disyllables ending in an alveolar stop , that manage to end in -er or - est without bothering anyone.

One possibility is that disyllabic adjectives ending in a voiceless alveolar stop polite sound pleasing to our ear when ending in -er , but the voiced alveolar stops stupid do not. We list stupider and stupidest as the comparative and superlative forms of stupid , because that is what they are. They are honest-to-goodness, one-hundred-percent, grade-A, real words. In case anyone tries to tell you otherwise here is a small sample of them being used in edited prose over the ages.

The same goes for the superlative form of stupid. It can be either the stupidest or the most stupid. Stupid and its related word forms are considered very rude and insulting in some situations.

These terms should always be avoided in formal and professional settings. Grammar What Are Modal Verbs? Writing, grammar, and communication tips for your inbox.

Write with confidence. Get real-time suggestions wherever you write. A two-syllable word ending in -y becomes superlative when you change the Y to an I and add -est e.

For all other words, just add most or least in front of them. You add the suffix — est to form the superlative. Once again, stupid is an example of an adjective that takes both stupidest and most stupid as acceptable superlatives. Both sentences show the comparative relationship between things A and B. Feedback Dictionary. Word of the Day. Meanings Meanings. Next Which Is Correct? Is stupider a word? But there is another. Stupider or more stupid More stupid is also accepted as a comparative form of the adjective stupid.

Is s tupidest a word? Stupidest or most stupid Just like the comparative form, the superlative form of stupid can be formed in two different ways. Make Your Writing Shine! Get grammar tips, writing tricks, and more from Thesaurus.


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