You will enjoy this visual upgrade without freeze frames or Photoshop review. Demos have an even clearer view of how universal support could have felt, with an advanced code that stretches the benefits of the API to the edge.
If you are looking for an excuse to spend a few extra bucks on a visual enhancement system or cutting-edge excitement, investing in a Hz IPS or good VR headset is best served. The addition of physics will, however, also affect output in the same way as anti-aliasing effects.
Gamers still allow AA modes, as AA improves the look of the game. Gamers can also allow physics on their GPUs as long as the frame rates continue to be playable. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Thread starter balaje Start date Nov 5, Forums Hardware Graphics Cards. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Previous Next Sort by votes. Oct 20, 29 0 4, 0. Vighnesh Misal Honorable. Mar 21, 37 0 10, 5. Nov 5, 15 0 4, 3. I don't know that physx is worth the extra cost. Necessary defiantly not. Not many games out there support it, its just more of a bonus for the games that do. Its not something i would consider when choosing a new card.
Feb 2, 81 0 10, PhysX only works with nvidia cards, but it isn't necessary at all. In fact, only a few games use PhysX. Jun 16, 13, 52, 1, Depends on you really. You want to play games that support gpu PhysX with PhysX effect? Then get nvidia gpu. If you think you can make do without those effect? Then just get what ever gpu you like to purchase. Jul 27, 10, 2 51, 1, If one card supports PhysX and the other one doesn't, why get the other one?
Jul 10, 2, 0 21, It's "Gameworks" now more than just Physx. Here's the basics. Developers don't want to spend the time and money to create their own visual effects, like realistic cloth, smoke, hair, particle explosions, etc. PC freeze with buzzing sound, doesn't start right after. Nvidia Control Panel Closes. Windows 11 - Strange behaviour when gaming with two monitors. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Search Join Now Login.
Sort By. Notification Preferences. Forum Actions. Report Post. I'd use the ti if it's available. The problem is when a user is running at higher display resolutions, causing additional load on the GPU thus limiting it's resources available for PhysX.
At this point is when you want to have a dedicated PhysX gpu. In titles such as Batman and BL2 heavy PhysX based titles ; your performance would be about the same with or without the PhysX processor, though the ti would stabilize the frame rates slightly. No, not "significantly", but will "stabilize" the few PhysX intensive titles out there.
You would have to ask yourself if the increased power draw and heat generated by a dedicated PhysX gpu would be worth it or not to you. I do, however, recommend going SLI which would give you the best of both worlds.
Thanks for the reply.