While a few studies were conducted on the effectiveness of interventions in getting people into treatment during the late 20th century, they typically showed that family members chose not to follow through on confronting their family members. One study showed that when they did follow through, they were able to get their family member into treatment, but in the end, this was a very small number of people, and the outcome of therapy was not reported.
Bear in mind that all therapies no matter how effective were at one time unproven, went through experimental stages and refinements, were funded for research, and finally, enough studies were conducted showing their effectiveness that they became accepted the practice. Some clinicians have had the experience of working with people whose families have conducted interventions that have been helpful in persuading their loved one to get help.
Others have had much more negative reviews, in which the intervention was poorly conducted or the person with the addiction was not in a place to hear the feedback, and it caused an even greater problem for them and an even greater rift in their family.
There are several types of drug and alcohol interventions. The type of intervention that your medical professional recommends will depend on your goals, unique experience with addiction, and family dynamics.
CRAFT has replaced interventions as the preferred method of getting people struggling with addiction therapy and help. Rather than targeting the person with the substance use disorder, this evidence-based method aims to work with the concerned significant others CSOs so that they can assist the identified patients IPs. If you decide to have an intervention for your loved one, you'll need to take a few necessary steps to help you prepare logistically and mentally.
If the person agrees to get help, it's best to already have a treatment center, counselor, or meeting in mind so you can take action immediately. Make sure to find out beforehand about whether your loved one's insurance plan will cover treatment as well as what steps are required for admission.
Treatment options may include:. Depending on the situation, an intervention can involve the following people:. It's also important to consider who should not be on the intervention team. For example, someone your loved one dislikes or a person with an unmanaged mental health condition or substance use disorder.
Unfortunately, there is no current system for evaluating the credentials of interventionists and very little information on which to base your decision. If you feel an intervention might be right for your loved one, here are some common-sense considerations—not based on medical fact or research—to think about in making the decision to employ an interventionist:.
Such consequences may include:. Professional intervention is not an option for every family and every situation. The decision to choose the intervention path is one that should be made carefully and with the advice of an experienced counselor. Confronting someone with an addiction is a very risky approach, and can just as easily backfire, making the addicted person feel attacked, alienated, and misunderstood instead of feeling supported. In these cases, an intervention can even worsen an addiction, causing the person to seek comfort in alcohol and drugs, and to seek out the company of those who "understand," such as drinking buddies and drug dealers.
Whether or not your loved one decides to seek help, you can likely benefit from the encouragement and support of others in your situation. Many support groups, including Al-Anon , help family members understand that they are not responsible for their loved one's addiction and that they need to take steps to care for themselves regardless of whether or not the person they care for seeks treatment.
You may not be able to persuade or bully your loved one into treatment. Chapter 1—Introduction to Brief Interventions and Therapies. National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. Intervention—Tips and Guidelines. Liepman, M. The Partnership for a Drug-Free America. Intervention Quick Guide. Search x. Contact HCRC. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. June 13, Antidepressants and alcohol: What's the concern?
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