In fact, given the same amount of energy as a higher pitch frequency half the length, a bass frequency will travel twice the distance. That's the simple explanation - it's actually more complicated because of diffraction, reflections and the way low and high frequencies are absorbed in the room, but anyway It's why cowboys would put their ears to the ground and listen for the far-off rumble of a stampede.
Press ESC to cancel. Skip to content Home Physics What sound frequency travels the farthest? Ben Davis January 3, What sound frequency travels the farthest? Does bass travel up or down? Does Bass travel through concrete? Log in Already have an account? Log in here. Previous Topic Next Topic. Similar threads Old fart getting frustrated trying to design an enclosure for my first system build in 10 years Desert Safari In Dubai How i can charge my CAR - Battery - since i cant remove it - due to the 2 farad capacitor Latest posts.
The Thunderdome! Winners only. Latest: shredder2 Today at AM. What brand subs are these? Latest: bass. General Car Audio. Car Audio Build Logs. Newest threads. Started by bass. Most posts - Past 30 days Latest classifieds H. High frequencies are better reflected whereas low frequencies are able to pass through the barrier: This is and frequency-based attenuation are why low-frequency sounds are much easier to hear through walls than high frequency ones.
The curves that show human hearing frequency response are called Fletcher—Munson curves : The red lines are the modern ISO data. Even a good pair of headphones like Sennheiser HD struggle with lower frequencies : So if it sounds like high frequencies travel farther with headphones, it's because headphones are poor at producing low frequencies and your ear is poor at picking them up.
Improve this answer. Brandon Enright Brandon Enright Bass sounds have wavelength about the size of the objects and waveguides in their path, whereas higher sounds are progressively deeper into the ray optics regime. You're right though that in general terms, lower frequency waves are diffracted more.
Now that you've considered 3 times as many effects as would warrant a good answer, here's another to ponder : Any real medium will have dispersive and diffusive effects. Dispersion in particular means the crests of a sound wave will travel slightly faster than the troughs, resulting in waveform steepening i. I wonder over what length scale that occurs, but perhaps it's worth a separate question.
See, we do hear low frequencies without problem when we have the headphones on, but as the headphones get farther from the ears, the sound seems to lose low frequency content.
Show 1 more comment. Can a diaphragm really produce monopole sound? How far does the near field extend? And of course, as mentioned below, in the far field all frequencies obey the inverse square law.
That's basically all that's relevant here, and it follows easily from the effective size of the diaphragm: larger than the distance to the ears. Ear-plugs are right in the ear canal themselves, so for those it's obviously true.
Lyes Demri Lyes Demri 21 1 1 bronze badge. The proximity effect means lower frequencies are picked up the closer you are, not the further away.
Which is why in film and TV they try to close-mic people as much as possible. It's also not true of all microphones -- it depends on their directional characteristics. The energy of sound may dissipate along distance by many cause at the same rate in any frequency Low frequency wave not carry in "longer distance" than high frequency. So in this kind of situation, if the environment have many obstruct matter, lower frequency can travel farther than higher frequency Actually it about wavelength.
Thaina Thaina 1 1 gold badge 8 8 silver badges 25 25 bronze badges. And I'm actually simplified the imagination that size of wave is match up with the size of object to determine it will pass through or not. Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. Linked 2. See more linked questions. Related