Why bleed during intercourse

When the cervix is inflamed, penetration can cause irritation and possible bleeding. Most sexually transmitted infections can be easily treated. Meanwhile, yeast infections are not sexually transmitted but are due to fungal infections that affect the vaginal canal. Yeast infections cause irritation in the vaginal canal, meaning it is more likely to bleed during or after sex. This friction can damage the vagina and lead to tears in the vaginal walls, causing bleeding.

Vaginal dryness can occur in women of all ages, but it is especially common in those with low estrogen levels, like post-menopausal and breastfeeding women. Estrogen contributes to the moisture and flexibility of vaginal tissue, making women in low-estrogen states more susceptible to bleeding during sex.

Other common causes of vaginal dryness include :. Polyps are small bulb-like growths on tissue linings. They are usually harmless and not painful, but they easily become irritated. So, if they are "bumped" during penetration, by a finger, toy, or penis, it can result in bleeding. When you see your doctor about vaginal bleeding, they can quickly diagnose if a polyp is the root cause with a pelvic exam.

Once diagnosed, these polyps can be removed by a healthcare provider in a simple, outpatient procedure. Some bleeding after this type of sex usually isn't anything to be concerned about. However, sometimes it can cause large tears or lacerations. If you are bleeding heavily — one soaking pad or tampon for an hour or more — go to the emergency room, as you may require stitches. Abnormal vaginal bleeding is one of the earliest indicators of cervical cancer.

It usually occurs around the same time that your period would. So, if you happen to have sex while this medical phenomenon is occurring inside of you, you might experience some implantation bleeding after sex. Ross adds, but some tears can cause a sore vagina after sex. Superficial tears that cause light bleeding will likely heal on their own, but any tears that are accompanied by severe pain and heavy bleeding may need medical attention.

If you ever experience a combination of severe pain and blood after sex, call your ob-gyn. Ross says. PID happens when an infection in the pelvis causes inflammation in the reproductive organs; if left untreated for too long, it can cause permanent damage and lead to infertility. Regular postcoital bleeding can also be a sign that something is growing on the cervix, Dr. According to the Mayo Clinic , endometriosis happens when tissue similar to the endometrium the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus grows elsewhere in the abdominal cavity, most commonly the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and tissue lining the pelvis.

Endometriosis can be really painful , especially around the time of your period and during or after sex. It can also cause heavy periods and bleeding in between periods. It can be easy to mistake endometriosis for other painful conditions, like PID, ovarian cysts, or even irritable bowel syndrome IBS , since the symptoms can be similar, according to Yale Medicine. Before menopause, there are many likely explanations for it, among them the fact that you are menstruating, likely have a more sensitive cervix, and may be on hormonal birth control.

Yes, even if it happened only one time and was short-lived. Ross also notes that vaginal dryness in this age group thanks, hormones! SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. To fix this, Moore recommended abstaining from penetration with tampons, fingers, penises, or anything else you personally fancy until it's fully healed. Another thing: Is there a possibility you could be pregnant? Moore said vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy can often occur due to the implantation phase when a fertilized egg first attaches to the uterine lining.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, one-third of pregnant women will have implantation bleeding and it happens typically six to 12 days after conception. One final cause of vaginal bleeding, though rare for women your age, is cervical cancer.

Please don't worry! Most women who are diagnosed with this type of cancer are between the ages of 35 and Still, it's important to check in with your doctor and keep up with annual pap smears to ensure you don't have the disease or catch it in its early phases so you can get proper treatment. I probably just threw way more than you bargained for your way. Unfortunately, you can't determine what's going on with your vagina until a doctor tests you, so pick up the phone as soon as you can. You did the right thing in being concerned about your own sexual health and with the right help, you'll have the answer you're looking for very soon.

As Insider's resident sex and relationships reporter, Julia Naftulin is here to answer all of your questions about dating, love, and doing it — no question is too weird or taboo. Julia regularly consults a panel of health experts including relationship therapists, gynecologists, and urologists to get science-backed answers to your burning questions, with a personal twist. Have a question? Fill out this anonymous form. All questions will be published anonymously.


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